My aid station was my car..
What a run.. Wow…. It was great. These Fat Ass runs are very interesting because there are not trail markings… all we get is a map and a good luck and we are in our way. I decided to wait for someone that knew the course so I could follow him/her. Well I picked the wrong people to hang with. They dropped me pretty fast and all of the sudden I was on my own. I tried to navigate the course on my own but I came to the conclusion pretty fast that I will never survive on my own in the wild. Damn.. So I decided to wait for somebody that knew the course. A couple of people show up and I tagged along. After a little while two of us were ahead and I assumed that the person I was following knew the course. We took one wrong turn and we were lost… We finally navigated our way back to the starting line and the following two loops were much easier.

Check out the trail.. felt like running on pillows.. It was amazing..